Click on each commonly asked question below to see the answer.

Read the HOME, FAQ’s, and  CONTACT US pages.  Your check in time is one-hour before your appointment time.  All documents will be filled out in-office and you will watch a 15 minute video about the process.  You have already received instructions with what to do on the day of your appointment.  THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE DIFFERENT THAN THE INSTRUCTIONS LASD SENT YOU.  YOU MUST ARRIVE ONE HOUR PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. 

Do not be late to check in one hour before your appointment.  You will likely be cancelled, regardless of the reason for arriving late.   


Read the HOME, FAQ’s and CONTACT US pages in your confirmation email.  Follow the instructions to complete the consent form and PHS within 24 hours of receiving the email. 

The required check-in time on the day of your appointment is ONE hour before your scheduled appointment.  In this time, you will watch a 15-minute video, complete an additional document, use the facilities and have a snack and water, if necessary, before your appointment.    Do not arrive late.  You will not be tested if you arrive late to check-in. 


You should have already read the HOME page.  If you did not, please go back and re-read the confirmation email.  Click on the links in the order they are presented.  Valuable information is included that will help to make your polygraph examination a successful experience.  Pay close attention to the video information before you complete your PHS. The examiner will discuss the content of the video with you during the interview.

YES, you must be at the office, and parked by your check in times (ONE hour before appointment at the Brea office, and 15 minute early at all other offices).  Depending on the agency applied to, you may need to fill out additional information before your appointment.  If the examiner is ready to begin at check in time, and you are not waiting in your car ready to be called in, you will likely be cancelled.


IF YOU ARE THE FIRST APPOINTMENT OF THE DAY, YOU WILL BE CANCELLED IF YOU ARE NOT AT THE OFFICE BY 5:00 AM.  We strongly suggest timing your arrival ten minutes before check in time to allow for traffic, and weather conditions. 

Arriving late pushes back ALL applicants for the day.  It would be unfair to penalize other applicants by starting late because accommodations had to be made for a late applicant.  We appreciate your understanding.

It is strongly advised you not consume energy drinks/stimulants/use excessive amounts of caffeine at least 48 hours before your appointment.  These substances may affect the quality of data, rendering the data unusable. 

If this occurs, rescheduling is not guaranteed, and is at the discretion of the agency.  Furthermore, rescheduling will cause the agency to be double-billed. 

Make sure to follow arrival times and check in procedures.

Due to frequent changes in scheduling due to illness, unscheduled call outs, or Labor Laws, you may be asked to arrive earlier on the day of your appointment.  

Bring your driver’s license with you.  If you do not have your driver’s license/ID with you, you may bring any other government issued ID for identification. 

We ask you bring an N95 mask, or its equivalent to your appointment.  You may wear your mask if you choose, but at this time it is not required.  Under certain circumstances, your examiner may ask you to wear one.

When you meet with your examiner, he or she will introduce themselves.  You will also have an opportunity to introduce yourself to him or her.  You may share any concerns you have about the process with the examiner at this time.

Your interview may be started by the first available examiner.  If an examiner is available at your arrival/check-in time, your interview will begin immediately. If you are not present when examiners are available to begin, you will be considered late, or a no-show.  Your appointment will be cancelled, and the next applicant will be called in early.  Our appointments are off-set to allow examiners to begin as soon as possible to ensure applicants do not wait longer than necessary.

Applicant must be ready to be called up at their check-in times. 

If you are running behind by a few minutes, but notify us, we may be able to work with you.  If you do not notify us of the reasonable delay in arrival, we will assume you are not coming at all, and will call the next applicant in early.  Once the next applicant has been called in early, your appointment will be cancelled and cannot be rescheduled without agency approval.  


Normally, the online documents are due by the end of the next day following an appointment scheduling.    

However, if you are on vacation, work, or are currently studying for finals, we will extend the online document due date provided we are notified immediately, before the documents are due.  This time extension will prevent any unnecessary notification to your background investigator that the documents were not completed in a timely manner.

If your appointment was scheduled with short notice (appointment made within five days of the email notice), we will need your documents within 24 hours, regardless of the circumstances, in order to create your file before your appointment date.  When an applicant is scheduled with very short notice, it usually means the agency needs a quick turn-around.  We cannot create a file without these documents, so we appreciate you working with us to make sure your appointment runs smoothly, including getting the documents to us in a timely manner.   

You should treat this paperwork as you would any other paperwork.  Be thorough.  We do not receive any paperwork from the agency you have applied to.  We rely on honest applicants to provide information during the interview. Please, do not assume we have any information, other than what you tell us on the PHS.   Often, applicants will realize they forgot to mention an event, incident, or detail about their experiences on their original paperwork.  We strongly encourage you to include this information on the PHS to ensure the wording of the test questions is accurate.  

We do not offer guidance in filling out your paperwork.  Watch the pre-PHS video very carefully on how to answer thoroughly, and for an understanding on what topics mean.  Only you know, truly, what your life experiences have been.  Think carefully, and answer thoroughly, including dates, times, and include any and all information you know, suspect, or fear, may affect your examination results.  

Do not ask your family members for help. Although most family members really are trying to be helpful, information may be wrong and may cause confusion.  The purpose of completing these online documents at home is to allow sufficient time, thought, and effort in completing the documents thoroughly.

We are fully-booked most days and are unable to answer general questions by email or phone.  If your question can be answered by information contained in this FAQ, we will likely not return the message.  

We update this question list from time to time, so we encourage all applicants to visit this page often.

Make sure you receive a “SUCCESS” message after completing the documents.  If you do not receive that message, it means the documents did not make it through.  Do NOT use Apple products to complete the forms.  Most of the time, the documents get “stuck” in transit, and they are not received.  

We will only contact you if we did NOT receive your consent form, or PHS.  Please do not email the office for any issue that is addressed on this page; we will not respond to emails where the answers can be found in this list.

If you have decided to withdraw from the hiring process, it is important to let your background investigator AND polygraph examiner know.  Email both TBT and the agency as soon as you know you would like to withdraw. 

The background investigator is sometimes unable to contact the examiner about the withdrawal, so it is important to let TBT know you have decided not to follow through with the hiring process as soon as you have made that important decision.  This will avoid any no-show fees charged to the applicant, or agency depending on the agreement. 

If this is the case for you, we thank you in advance for letting us know you have withdrawn and wish you luck.

The best advice is no.  Your life experience is not, and likely will never be, like your friend, family, or co-worker’s lives.  Your unique experience is special to you.  It is strongly recommended you not ask, or take advice since the questions on your test, or information provided during your interview will be confusing, and not at all what happens for you. 

Although friends and family have good intentions, their advice is not always the best, and it may lead to issues during the actual test-taking portion of the examination.

The best advice to give any family or friend when asked for advice is to, “follow the instructions of your examiner”. 

No.  If you already completed the online consent form, and PHS there is no need to fill out another set of documents. 

If you have returned for a “follow-up test”, and the original test was conducted at TBT, all we need is a follow-up consent form found on the online consent form and PHS link landing page.

If you conducted an initial polygraph at a different company and the agency would like your follow-up to be conducted by TBT, you will need to fill out a new consent form and PHS. 

Some reasons for being cancelled after arriving to the office could be:

1) Arriving after your check in time. 

2) Having ingested alcohol/drugs/or other stimulants/depressant the day/night before your test.

3) Not having at least six hours of restful sleep. 

4) Arriving sick, or in pain, in a cast, or under the influence of illegal drugs.

5) Other issues that will be addressed on a case by case basis.

If your first test was with TBT, you do not need to fill out the paperwork, and you may use the “Follow-up” test button to complete the consent form.  If you tested with another polygraph company and have been sent to TBT for the follow up testing, you would need to complete a new consent form, view the pre-PHS video, and complete a PHS. 

Yes.  The documents you completed for a previous test are not used for any other agency interview. 

Additionally, some information may have changed since we saw you last.  You likely learned how to answer better and more clearly during the previous interview, so the information on a new PHS will be far more thorough. 

Regardless of sworn/CCW status, you may not bring any type of weapon into the office.  

We recommend at least six hours of sleep within the last 24 hours.  Lack of sleep suppresses physiology, and not in a good way.  Additionally, applicants may fall asleep during the test if they are not fully rested.  If this occurs, the test must be stopped and the applicant will be excused.  Re-scheduling is not guaranteed since authorization must be obtained from the hiring agency first. 

If you have an early appointment and have young children in the home, please consider having someone else watch the children that night. If this is not possible, let us know and we will do our best to schedule you for a later time, on the same day, or reschedule for a sooner date, with a later appointment time.

Do not stop any doctor prescribed medications for the purposes of test-taking.  If you have questions, consult with your doctor.

Some over the counter medications and workout supplements may cause distortions in the chart data that may create an undesirable result for the applicant.  It is strongly recommended you stop unnecessary, un-prescribed vitamins for a day or so before your appointment.

Absolutely.  We will move your appointment to a different date if you have been scheduled for a medical exam (personal or agency-related).  If there is a chance blood will be drawn, we will reschedule you .  There may be a risk of fainting when blood is drawn since a blood pressure cuff will be used for extended periods of time.  We will work with you to find the best alternate date and time for your polygraph.

We strongly recommend pausing your strenuous workout routines two to three days before your polygraph.  If you suffer an injury you may not be tested. It best to either pause your workout routine, or reduce any impact exercise you engage in, until after your polygraph is complete.

The length of the appointment depends on the extent of your life experience, level of cooperation during the test, and several other factors.  Allow at least two hours once you are called in to the office if you completed an online PHS. If you must complete forms in-office, plan on three to four hours, in-office. 

You may wear casual business attire. Do not wear thick sweaters.  If you wear long sleeves, the material must be very thin. Please, no open toe shoes, flip flops, T-shirts, or shorts.   Wear blouses or shirts that reach the collar bone and allow for freedom of movement (no tight-fitting clothing).  

It is strongly recommended women not wear high heels. Wearing high heels may cause uncontrollable leg shaking during the test, and if this occurs, you will be asked to remove your shoes.  We recommend wearing flats.

Please bring bottled water with a tight lid or cap to your interview.     

In order to avoid any misunderstanding, applicants may contact the office by email at tbtpolygraph@yahoo.com with any questions.  Most questions can be answered by reviewing this FAQ’s page, and the “contact us” page of this link.   We generally do not take phone calls during the work day.   Please make sure to read ALL FAQ’s.  We are unable to return emails where the answers can be found in on this web page.  We do check our emails when they come in; you may contact us via email to change, cancel, or update us on your status.

We understand people sometimes don’t feel well.  Please contact the office as soon as possible if you are sick, have a sore throat, are congested, sneezing, or coughing.  If someone in the home is sick, or you/your family has been exposed to any communicable disease or illness, you must contact our office as soon as possible to re-schedule the appointment.  

You may use a state driver’s license, state issued ID, passport, or military ID, in that order. 

If you are 17 years old, you are required to bring a parent or legal guardian with you.  The legal guardian will sign a consent form allowing you to interview/test.  If you are at least 18 years old, we ask you not bring anyone with you.  Only examiners and examinees are allowed in the waiting room. 

Yes.  Your safety is important to us.  If you are traveling by Uber/Lyft, we will allow you to wait in our lobby until your appointment begins.   Let us know days in advance so we know to expect you.  Please know, you may be asked to wear a mask while you wait for your appointment to begin.

If your appointment is at the San Dimas office, you will need to notify the examiner directly (see the Contact-Us page for contact info). 

If you are able, have a small meal a few hours before your appointment.  You should be fully focused during the test, and hunger will just distract the applicant from concentrating on following instructions. 

We will provide light snacks, if needed.  We ask you not consume energy drinks or excessive amounts of coffee.  They are likely to interfere with your physiology.   If your physiology is unreadable due to your consumption of stimulants, we will not evaluate the data.

The TBT offices are welcoming.  There are snacks for applicants who have not eaten in more than 5-6 hours, and water is readily available, if needed.  Offices are large and spacious and are not claustrophobic or intimidating.  The depictions on television programs are not real life.  There are no “spotlights” or interrogation rooms with double-mirrors. 

When you are brought in, you will see equipment on the table, and a polygraph chair.  The chair is made specifically for polygraph testing and is comfortable.  The equipment will be explained to you by the examiner., 

Read the HOME, FAQ’s, and  CONTACT US pages.  Your check in time is one-hour before your appointment time.  All documents will be filled out in-office and you will watch a 15 minute video about the process.  You have already received instructions with what to do on the day of your appointment.  THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE DIFFERENT THAN THE INSTRUCTIONS LASD SENT YOU.  YOU MUST ARRIVE ONE HOUR PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. 

Do not be late to check in one hour before your appointment.  You will likely be cancelled, regardless of the reason for arriving late.   


Read the HOME, FAQ’s and CONTACT US pages.  You have a one-hour prior check in time.  All documents will be filled out ONLINE and links can be found on the confirmation email you receive from the Full Slate application.  You will watch a 15 minute video in-office when you arrive.

Do not be late to check in one hour before your appointment, YOU WILL BE CANCELLED, regardless of the reason for arriving late.   


You should have already read the HOME page.  If you did not, please go back and re-read the confirmation email.  Click on the links in the order they are presented.  Valuable information is included that will help to make your polygraph examination a successful experience.  Pay close attention to the video information before you complete your PHS. The examiner will discuss the content of the video with you during the interview.

YES, you must be at the office, and parked by your check in times (ONE hour before appointment at the Brea office, and 15 minute early at all other offices).  Depending on the agency applied to, you may need to fill out additional information before your appointment.  If the examiner is ready to begin at check in time, and you are not waiting in your car ready to be called in, you will likely be cancelled. 

IF YOU ARE THE FIRST APPOINTMENT OF THE DAY, YOU WILL BE CANCELLED IF YOU ARE NOT AT THE OFFICE BY 5:00 AM.  We strongly suggest timing your arrival ten minutes before check in time to allow for traffic, and weather conditions. 

Arriving late pushes back ALL applicants for the day.  It would be unfair to penalize other applicants by starting late because accommodations had to be made for a late applicant.  We appreciate your understanding.

It is strongly advised you not consume energy drinks/stimulants/use excessive amounts of caffeine at least 48 hours before your appointment.  These substances may affect the quality of data, rendering the data unusable. 

If this occurs, rescheduling is not guaranteed, and is at the discretion of the agency.  Furthermore, rescheduling will cause the agency to be double-billed. 

Make sure to follow arrival times and check in procedures.

Due to frequent changes in scheduling due to illness, unscheduled call outs, or Labor Laws, you may be asked to arrive earlier on the day of your appointment.  

Bring your driver’s license with you.  If you do not have your driver’s license/ID with you, you may bring any other government issued ID for identification. 

We ask you bring an N95 mask, or its equivalent to your appointment.  You may wear your mask if you choose, but at this time it is not required.  Under certain circumstances, your examiner may ask you to wear one.

When you meet with your examiner, he or she will introduce themselves.  You will also have an opportunity to introduce yourself to him or her.  You may share any concerns you have about the process with the examiner at this time.

For all agencies, except Los Angeles County Sheriff and Probation applicants, your interview may be started by the first available examiner.  If an examiner is available at your arrival/check-in time, your interview will begin immediately. If you are not present when examiners are available to begin, you will be considered late, or a no-show.  Our appointments are off-set to allow examiners to begin as soon as possible to ensure applicants do not wait longer than necessary.

Applicant must be ready to be called up at their arrival/check-in times. 

If you are running behind by a few minutes, but notify us, we may be able to work with you.  to communicate with each office.  See the CONTACT US page for ways If you do not notify us of any delay, we will assume you are not coming at all, and will call the next applicant in early and your appointment will likely be cancelled.

If you arrive after your arrival/check-in time, you will likely be cancelled.  It would not be fair to the next applicant to start late because of the previous applicant’s tardiness.  Re-scheduling is not guaranteed since each agency has criteria for re-scheduling applicants who are late to their appointments; we have no control over re-scheduling.  We strongly suggest planning your trip to the offices very carefully and consider travel time, traffic conditions and weather.

Your arrival/check-in time is different than your appointment time.  We will likely begin your interview at your arrival/check-in time.    

One exception is if your examiner contacts you the day before your appointment to notify you of an arrival time change.  We review final documents and applicant lists the day before testing to assess the day’s appointments and update schedules accordingly, especially when we recognize one applicant may need more time to interview.  We do not make the next applicant wait unnecessarily if we can help it. 

If your arrival/check-in time is before 1:00 pm, you can expect to begin at check-in time. 

Normally, the online documents are due within 24 hours of the confirmation email you received the day you were scheduled.  

Example: If the email was sent to you at 4:15 pm on Wednesday, April 15th, the documents are due by 11:59 pm on Thursday, April 16th. 

However, if you are on vacation, work, or are currently studying for finals, we will extend the online document due date provided we are notified immediately, before the documents are due.  This time extension will prevent any unnecessary notification to your background investigator that the documents were not completed in a timely manner.

If your appointment was scheduled with short notice (appointment made within five days of the email notice), we will need your documents within 24 hours, regardless of the circumstances, in order to create your file before your appointment date.  When an applicant is scheduled with very short notice, it usually means the agency needs a quick turn-around.  We cannot create a file without these documents, so we appreciate you working with us to make sure your appointment runs smoothly, including getting the documents to us in a timely manner.   

Yes.  Applicants are better prepared and know what to expect during this process.  We provide tools to answer questions more honestly, versus “perfectly”.   Your examiner will explain further what this means. 

A better understanding of the process, active applicant participation in the interview process and cooperation during the examination will help to ensure a smoother process.    

We strongly recommend you view the video without distractions. You may rewind, move backward and forward, as many times as needed to ensure a good understanding of the content before filling out the PHS.  


You should treat this paperwork as you would any other paperwork.  Be thorough.  We do not receive any paperwork from the agency you have applied to.  We rely on honest applicants to provide information during the interview. Please, do not assume we have any information, other than what you tell us on the PHS. 

We do not offer guidance in filling out your paperwork.  Watch the pre-PHS video very carefully on how to answer thoroughly, and for an understanding on what topics mean.  Only you know, truly, what your life experiences have been.  Think carefully, and answer thoroughly, including dates, times, and include any and all information you know, suspect, or fear, may affect your examination results.  

Do not ask your family members for help. Although most family members really are trying to be helpful, information may be wrong and may cause confusion.

We are fully-booked most days and are unable to answer general questions by email or phone.  If your question can be answered by information contained in this FAQ, we will likely not return the message.  Only you know if the answers provided are complete, thorough and well thought out. 

We update this question list from time to time, so we encourage all applicants to visit this page often.

We do not provide confirmation.  We will only contact you if we did NOT receive your consent form, or PHS.  Please do not email the office for any issue that is addressed on this page; we will not respond to emails where the answers can be found in this list.

If you have decided to withdraw from the hiring process, it is important to let your background investigator and polygraph examiner know.  Email both TBT and the agency as soon as you know you would like to withdraw. 

The background investigator is sometimes unable to contact the examiner about the withdrawal, so it is important to let TBT know you have decided not to follow through with the hiring process as soon as you have made that important decision.  This will also avoid any no-show fees charged to the applicant, or agency depending on the agreement. 

If this is the case for you, we thank you in advance for letting us know you have withdrawn and wish you luck.

The best advice is no.  Your life experience is not, and likely will never be, like your friend, family, or co-worker’s lives.  Your unique experience is special to you.  It is strongly recommended you not ask, or take advice since the questions on your test, or information provided during your interview will be confusing, and not at all what happens for you. 

Although friends and family have good intentions, their advice is not always the best, and it may lead to issues during the actual test-taking portion of the examination.

The best advice to give any family or friend when asked for advice is to, “follow the instructions of your examiner”. 

Absolutely.  Contact us immediately by email at tbtpolygraph@yahoo.com.  We will do our best to get you in sooner than originally planned. 

In rare cases, we may need to move your appointment to ensure a prior test does not interfere with the success of the current agency’s test. This is to the applicant’s benefit.  We will do, on our end, what is needed to get you in earlier, and ensure you get the best opportunity to be successful.  

The Brea office arrival/check-in time is ONE HOUR before your appointment.  The San Dimas and Yucaipa arrival/check-in time is 15 MINUTES before your appointment.  On some occasions, your examiner may contact you directly the day before your examination to update you on arrival times.

We begin appointments at, or close as possible to your arrival/check-in time.  We do this to allow as much time for each applicant as possible, without going into the next applicant’s actual appointment time.  If the examiner is ready to call you in at your arrival/check-in time, and you are not in the parking lot, you may be considered a no-show, and the appointment may be cancelled if we don’t hear from you.



When you arrive at the SAN DIMAS or YUCAIPA OFFICES, send a text message to the phone number on your confirmation email.  with your full name and agency.  Remain in your vehicle unless you are told otherwise by the examiner.

No.  If you already completed the online consent form, and PHS there is no need to fill out another set of documents. 

If you have returned for a “follow-up test”, and the original test was conducted at TBT, all we need is a follow-up consent form found on the online consent form and PHS link landing page.

If you conducted an initial polygraph at a different company and the agency would like your follow-up to be conducted by TBT, you will need to fill out a new consent form and PHS. 

Do not be late to your appointment check-in (one hour before your appointment time).  Depending on several circumstances, if you arrive late, you may not be interviewed or tested.  This is a courtesy to other applicants who arrive on time and are ready at the designated time.  Plan your trip accordingly to avoid arriving late.  You are considered to be a no-show if you are not at the office at your appointment check in time. 

Some reasons for being cancelled after arriving to the office could be:

1) Arriving after your check in time. 

2) Having ingested alcohol/drugs the night before your test

3) Not having at least six hours of restful sleep. 

4) Arriving sick, or in pain, or under the influence of illegal drugs

5) Other issues that will be addressed on a case by case basis

If your first test was with TBT, you do not need to fill out the paperwork, and you may use the “Follow-up” test button to complete the consent form.  If you tested with another polygraph company and have been sent to TBT for the follow up testing, you would need to complete a new consent form, view the pre-PHS video, and complete a PHS. 

Yes.  The documents you completed for a previous test are not used for any other agency interview. 

Additionally, some information may have changed since we saw you last.  You likely learned how to answer better and more clearly during the previous interview, so the information on a new PHS will be far more thorough. 

Regardless of sworn/CCW status, you may not bring any type of weapon into the office.  

We recommend at least six hours of sleep within the last 24 hours.  Lack of sleep suppresses physiology, and not in a good way.  Additionally, applicants may fall asleep during the test if they are not fully rested.  If this occurs, the test must be stopped and the applicant will be excused.  Re-scheduling is not guaranteed since authorization must be obtained from the hiring agency first. 

If you have an early appointment and have young children in the home, please consider having someone else watch the children that night. If this is not possible, let us know and we will do our best to schedule you for a later time, on the same day, or reschedule for a sooner date, with a later appointment time.

Do not stop any doctor prescribed medications for the purposes of test-taking.  If you have questions, consult with your doctor.

Some over the counter medications and workout supplements may cause distortions in the chart data that may create an undesirable result for the applicant.  It is strongly recommended you stop unnecessary, un-prescribed vitamins for a day or so before your appointment.

Absolutely.  We will move your appointment to a different date if you have been scheduled for a medical exam (personal or agency-related).  If there is a chance blood will be drawn, we will reschedule you .  There may be a risk of fainting when blood is drawn since a blood pressure cuff will be used for extended periods of time.  We will work with you to find the best alternate date and time for your polygraph.

We strongly recommend pausing your strenuous workout routines two to three days before your polygraph.  If you suffer an injury you may not be tested. It best to either pause your workout routine, or reduce any impact exercise you engage in, until after your polygraph is complete.

The length of the appointment depends on the extent of your life experience, level of cooperation during the test, and several other factors.  Allow at least two hours once you are called in to the office if you completed an online PHS. If you must complete forms in-office, plan on three to four hours, in-office. 

You may wear casual business attire. Do not wear thick sweaters.  If you wear long sleeves, the material must be very thin. Please, no open toe shoes, flip flops, T-shirts, or shorts.   Wear blouses or shirts that reach the collar bone and allow for freedom of movement (no tight-fitting clothing).  

It is strongly recommended women not wear high heels. Wearing high heels may cause uncontrollable leg shaking during the test, and if this occurs, you will be asked to remove your shoes.  We recommend wearing flats.

Please bring bottled water with a tight lid or cap to your interview.     

In order to avoid any misunderstanding, applicants may contact the office by email at tbtpolygraph@yahoo.com with any questions.  Most questions can be answered by reviewing this FAQ’s page, and the “contact us” page of this link.   We generally do not take phone calls during the work day.   Please make sure to read ALL FAQ’s.  We are unable to return emails where the answers can be found in on this web page.  We do check our emails when they come in; you may contact us via email to change, cancel, or update us on your status.

We understand people sometimes don’t feel well.  Please contact the office as soon as possible if you are sick, have a sore throat, are congested, sneezing, or coughing.  If someone in the home is sick, or you/your family has been exposed to any communicable disease or illness, you must contact our office as soon as possible to re-schedule the appointment.  

You may use a state driver’s license, state issued ID, passport, or military ID, in that order. 

If you are 17 years old, you are required to bring a parent or legal guardian with you.  The legal guardian will sign a consent form allowing you to interview/test.  If you are at least 18 years old, we ask you not bring anyone with you.  Only examiners and examinees are allowed in the waiting room. 

Yes.  Your safety is important to us.  If you are traveling by Uber/Lyft, we will allow you to wait in our lobby until your appointment begins.   Let us know days in advance so we know to expect you.  Please know, you may be asked to wear a mask while you wait for your appointment to begin.

If your appointment is at the San Dimas office, you will need to notify the examiner directly (see the Contact-Us page for contact info). 

If you are able, have a small meal a few hours before your appointment.  You should be fully focused during the test, and hunger will just distract the applicant from concentrating on following instructions. 

We will provide light snacks, if needed.  We ask you not consume energy drinks or excessive amounts of coffee.  They are likely to interfere with your physiology.   If your physiology is unreadable due to your consumption of stimulants, we will not evaluate the data.

The TBT offices are welcoming.  There are snacks for applicants who have not eaten in more than 5-6 hours, and water is readily available, if needed.  Offices are large and spacious and are not claustrophobic or intimidating.  The depictions on television programs are not real life.  There are no “spotlights” or interrogation rooms with double-mirrors. 

When you are brought in, you will see equipment on the table, and a polygraph chair.  The chair is made specifically for polygraph testing and is comfortable.  The equipment will be explained to you by the examiner.,