Truth Be Told Polygraph, LLC®
The following message is for pre-employment testing, only. We do not provide private issue testing.
Greetings. You are about to participate in a pre-employment polygraph for the agency you have applied to. TBTPolygraph, LLC is improving the way polygraph is done. Applicants deserve quality information prior to their appointment. Public websites often contain tainted information which only increases the anxiety an applicant will feel before coming in. We have improved upon a process that allows honest applicants to be better informed, feel better prepared and more at ease when presenting for their polygraph interview and testing.
You will access the pre-PHS video after reading the Frequently Asked Questions page and signing the consent form, both accessed via the appointment confirmation email sent to you when your background investigator scheduled your appointment, or in the right-hand corner of this page. The video provides helpful information to understand the tools, definitions, and topic descriptions used when you fill out your online PHS. These tools assist the applicant who was apprehensive, or overly nervous because of the “fear of the unknown”.
The video will also provide information that would not have been accessible, in the past, until the day of the test. Additionally, we have taken the stress out of arriving hours early to fill out paperwork in-office. Applicants now fill out their paperwork out in the comfort of their home, where they are able to use the tools of the video to complete a more thorough PHS.
Applicants who may have had issues on previous polygraph tests are more apprehensive than most first-time polygraph applicants, fearing a repeat of the previous results. If an applicant was dishonest, and continues to be dishonest, they can expect the same result. However, applicants who had difficulty understanding the process, definitions, and/or topic descriptions will have the opportunity to better understand and may learn how to answer better, and more honestly, with more interactive discussion.
Applicants who know they are being deceitful, and are purposely misleading their background investigator, or polygraph examiner, will not benefit from this method of interviewing. Deceitful applicants will have physiological reactions they have no control over when they choose to lie; no amount of interactive discussion will change this. Additionally, applicants who refuse to cooperate by moving, altering, manipulating, regulating, or otherwise changing their natural physiology during the chart collection phase of the examination, will be excused from the polygraph suite.
Thank you for your time. Please move on to the next link on your appointment confirmation, or you may click on the FAQ’s above. The FAQ’s page contains valuable information and it is required all applicants review the information provided.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
TBTPolygraph, LLC